The Top Five Things to Watch on Disney Plus

I’m an absolute sucker for a cosy film. A film you can have on and be reminded of your childhood when you didn’t have anything to worry about. A film that you don’t have to think too deeply about or a film that pulls you in so much that nothing else matters.

So, here’s what I watch on Disney Plus to boost my mood.


1. Frozen 2 (2019)

Hear me out, it’s better than Frozen 1. It focuses more on the sister’s relationship, the jokes are better (Samantha), and the music is turned up a notch.

2. Hamilton (2020)

Yes, this film is on every list, but there’s a reason why. I’d put off listening to the soundtrack until I got the chance to see it live, but that never happened so I was over the moon when it became available on Disney Plus.

3. Beauty and The Beast (2017)

The cast, the songs, the feminist undertones - what’s not to like? This is one of the best films to boost your mood and escape into a magical Disney world.

4. Brave (2012)

Brave is the story of Merida, a Scottish princess, and the relationship she has with her mum. I love this film, not only for the stunning animation and score, but because the focus is on this mother-daughter relationship as opposed to her falling in love with a Prince.

5. Inside Out (2015)

I put off watching Inside Out for quite a while as it just looked ok cheesy and colourful, but the first time I watched this the cathartic tears just kept coming. It brought up so many memories of growing up and how that really feels, but it also made me laugh and feel so incredibly hopeful. And I think we all need that right now.

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