
On 2nd November, my new single ‘dungarees’ will be released into the world. I wrote dungarees about finding comfort and home, and how to me that’s one of the most important things.


The song begins with this idea of having someone and not wanting to let them go, and as cheesy as it sounds, feeling so whole, that you never want to let them go. Then we come to the chorus, and the idea of being so happy and comforted builds up to reference the dungarees (which I live in, in their various colours and styles). The hook of the song is “I’ll wear your smile every day, like a pair of dungarees, I am home. Because to me, there’s nothing like finding comfort in joy. And that can come from anywhere, from an amazing fiance to the best and most comfortable pair of dungarees you can own.

I always smile when I think of the second verse, which I think you can hear in the final recording too. My fiance was never a dog person, but now he adores Lily. She jumps up at him when he comes home (which I know she shouldn’t), but he always smiles and picks her up when he comes home, and it’s just that simple thing that I love so much, I’m so glad made it into the final song.

And then before we go into the big ending of the song, there’s one more verse which I’m so proud of. A while ago I read ‘The Place I’ve Cried in Public’ by Holly Bourne, and there’s a line in that book that goes ‘I’d chosen being whisked off my feet rather than the steady ground beneath them’. And that line is really what made me want to write this song. I think so much of the time, we value things that will only make us happy short term, we go for danger or exhilaration. I wanted to spin this quote from this book around and turn it into something tying back into this idea of comfort and so I ended on: ‘and though each day may feel the same, I don’t want to be swept away, I want to feel the ground beneath my feet’. 

In case you can’t tell, to me this song is all about finding happiness in comfort in so many areas of life; friendships, relationships or what we wear. And that doesn’t mean we have to stop having adventures, it just means we have someone to do it with and a great pair of dungarees to have them in.