What I Read in April 2021

In April, I read very little. I’ve felt quite overwhelmed, not only by life, but by the ever increasing stack of books I have to read and the rate at which it is growing. I’m obviously very grateful to be in this position, but I think I do need to accept that I do not have time to read them all. That being said, here are the two books I did mange to read this month.

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1. Everybody Died, so I Got a Dog by Emily Dean

This book was heartbreaking and yet so beautiful - a memoir of loss and grief. I cried so much reading this book, but I’m so glad I did. It tells a story of resilience and love and was a fantastic read.

2. What White People Can Do Next: From Allyship to Coalition by Emma Dabiri

This book is a short and yet hard-hitting read covering the historical context of race, class and how this ties into capitalism and the institution that holds this. Not my usual read, but it’s left me eager to learn more, and make actionable change. This book won’t take you long to read, will give you so many answers but leave you with many questions.