What I Read in July 2021

Despite being quite unwell for July and it being one of the most chaotic months of my life, I'm incredibly surprised at how much I managed to read. But here they are, I actually loved every book I read this month, so they’re all here with links if you fancy picking one up yourself.

(All links are affiliate which means I earn a small % of each sale, but it doesn’t cost you any extra.)

1. Mrs England by Stacey Halls (sent to me by the publisher)

Mrs England was sent to me so long ago to read and review, and when I finally got round to it this weekend, I finished it in a day.

This book was exactly the type of writing we've come to expect from this author. Stacey Halls has such a unique but brilliant writing style, which takes you back in time and totally pulls you in. It's one of those books where you forget you're reading because you're just so engrossed in the characters.

This book follows the story of Nurse Ruby May up to Yorkshire where she becomes the Nurse of four children, with a mother who Ruby can't quite figure out, and an overly involved father.

It's set in such a gorgeous location, which the author describes beautifully, and the plot will get you finishing the book in a day - like it did for me!

A definite recommendation.

2. Sista Sister by Candice Brathwaite (sent to me by LoveMyRead)

After enjoying Candice’s first book so much, I was apprehensive as to how much I would enjoy her second, but I found it absolutely brilliant. This book taught me so much, but more importantly made me think about so many topics from a different perspective. I think everybody should read this.

3. Careless by Kirsty Capes

An absolutely heart breaking story about a young girl in care, but such a beautifully told one. This book is absolutely one that everybody should read to make them think more deeply about the choice that women, or girls, face and also how they are treated.

4. Beach Read by Emily Henry

Having enjoyed “You and Me on Vacation” so much, I downloaded this on my kindle and read it over a weekend. It’s the perfect book for that. If you want a romance, with a mystery, that’s easy to read - then this is the book for you.

5. The Mix-Up by Holly McCulloch (sent to me by the publisher)

A classic romcom about a wedding cake baker, but with an extra layer of tragedy and depth. This does not, however, detract from how heartwarming and easy a read this was.

Alice Ashcroft