My Goals for 2021

New Year’s resolutions, I have such a love-hate relationship with them. I hate the idea that everyone has to change to become better, but I also love having a focus, a goal, and something to aim towards. 92% of New Year’s resolutions fail to be achieved, so I like to set mine attainable but also things that I know I’ll work hard to stick to and achieve.

So, with that being said, what are my goals this year?

1. Read 50 books

I normally aim to read 50, but last year I lowered in to 30 to give myself a break, but due to lockdown I hit my usual 50 goal and exceeded it! I love reading and keeping track, so I’m using this goal again!


Follow my progress by following me on Goodreads →

2. Experiment with my photography

Last year, I set myself the goal of not being too strict with my Instagram theme, and that allowed me to experiment with more colours and be more creative with it - which I loved!


This year, I hope to do the same but also improve my photography and learn how to use my camera better, including shooting in raw and editing which I’ve started more this past month.

I’d also love to say hit 10k followers (mainly for the swipe up links), but I know better than to set numerical goals.

3. Be Kinder to Myself

I always feel pressure to constantly be working, and I think it mostly comes from myself. I want to carry on enforcing evenings and weekends to be off work, but also check in with myself more frequently, and take mental health days when they’re needed in stead of keeping it in and burning out.

4. Do More Design Work

Over the last year I’ve been doing more social media management and design work on a freelance basis, and I’d love to do more of this!


Another vague measure, but any amount of this I’d be happy with.

5. Release More Music

With an EP already in progress, I’d hope this is a sure thing! But with no gigging due to the lockdowns, it may be hard to find it. I’ll hopefully find a way and keep releasing music I love.