Alice's Book Club


This year, I’ve decided to launch a book club! In the past, I’ve been part of a few different book clubs, but they’ve all kind of disappeared since the first lockdown. My family tried one during the first lockdown, but after a couple of books that disappeared too.

As you probably know from my Instagram, I love talking about books! And I know so many of you do too, so that is why I’ve decided to just do it! Let’s start a book club!

Each month, we’ll be reading a book together and then at the end of the month, we’ll have a Zoom call and talk about it. Sometimes, I’ll pick the book, one I loved, one I’ve heard good things about, and sometimes we’ll all vote and pick it together.

I’m really excited about this, and if you are too and would like to join, tap the button below to join the Facebook group and let’s get reading!