Green-Washing | My Thoughts on Sustainable Fashion

I’m not perfect. Sometimes I will still buy clothes from fast fashion places. And for some people, including me in the past, it’s been the only option financially.

But I’ve never once tried to convince myself that what I was going was okay.

If I buy a top for £5 or less, I’m well aware that I’m supporting a company that exploits workers and the environment. (I obviously try not to do this often, and it’s something I’m still working on, but I’d be lying if I said I haven’t slipped up.)

With companies bringing out “eco” or “conscious” ranges, all they’re doing is...

  1. Admitting the rest of their products aren’t sustainably made.

  2. Just trying to ease the emotional burden of their clients.

  3. Pulling a PR stunt.

Either admit your company doesn’t care, or fix the whole thing.