What should you take to The Eras Tour?

After the best night of my life, I thought I’d share some things I found helpful and what I wish I’d known for my first show! (The Amazon links are affiliate links which means I get a small % if you buy them at no cost to you!)

your flannel cure

It was flipping cold in Edinburgh. I normally run warm and was dancing around in standing and jumping a lot, and I kept my big denim jacket on the whole time. Take layers if you’re in seating, or a comfy enough jacket in standing!

A clear bag

I got mine on Amazon and this helped me get through security really easily, they could see what I had (including snacks!) and were happy to let me through!

What camera can I take to the eras tour?

We took some disposables, our phones and a tiny compact digital camera. You’re not allowed to take any with changable lenses in most stadiums, but check your stadiums rules!

Other things I took, that I used:

⭐ My Loop Earplugs

⭐ Snacks

Things I took that I didn’t use but would still take again:

⭐ A power bank - I got this compact one from Anker - I’ve always used Anker and this was really small and has a built in USB-C charger so is a really good option. But I managed to charge my phone all afternoon so didn’t need it.

⭐ Plasters - I was going to wear some new sparkly shoes but instead wore my comfy boots. But I’m still glad I had them as a girl tripped in the queue (just got a graze) and we were able to patch her up!
⭐ Poncho - It didn’t rain but it looked like it might have done! Worth the £1.99 in Waterstones!

ANy other tips?

⭐ Yes! Hydrate, we accidentally ended up 15 rows (!!) from the front, which wasn’t our aim but it meant we weren’t prepared and didn’t want to loose our spot! We didn’t drink anything for 6 hours, and whilst the venue were really good at giving you water on entry, once we were in that was it.

⭐ Change the settings on your phone! Flight mode and low power mode to increase battery life, and

⭐ Keep the little toggle for your light up wristband so you can keep it’s battery going after the show!
And finally, film videos of you, there’ll be a million videos of Taylor (quite rightly) but you’ll also want to look back at you enjoying it afterwards!

And have the BEST time.



Alice Ashcroft