What I Read in May 2021

May started off great, with me reading two books in the first week. But then I sort of slumped, so I decided to reread a favourite. As always, here’s to hoping I read more next month!

1. You and Me on Vacation by Emily Henry*

*gifted in exchange for an honest review

This book follows two friends over ten years of summer holidays until they eventually fall out. Years later, one reaches out to the other, and this time it’s make or break.

I really enjoyed this book, it was light and easy with the classic romance you'd love to read by the pool somewhere sunny. The characters are well built, and the structure of the book allows you to really understand the decisions they make and why - excellent character development.

I'd recommend this to anyone looking for their next holiday read!

2. The Midnight Library by Matt Haig*

*gifted in exchange for an honest review

I read this book a year ago as an early proof, but I then chose this as May’s book club pick, so it was a re-read for me. Honestly, I think I loved this book more the second time around; I took my time with it and noticed so many extra details. I’d recommend this book if you want an easy read that makes you think deeply, but also leaves you so grateful for what you do have. It’s no surprise this is a best seller.

3. Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

As I mentioned, this book was a comfort read to get me out of my slump. I love the comfort in rereading books, but it’s not unique to that type of content. My partner will vouch for the fact that I also love to watch the same things again and again, and listen to the same podcast episode 100 times to help me fall asleep.

BooksAlice Ashcroft