My Goals for 2021

New Year’s resolutions, I have such a love-hate relationship with them. I hate the idea that everyone has to change to become better, but I also love having a focus, a goal, and something to aim towards. 92% of New Year’s resolutions fail to be achieved, so I like to set mine attainable but also things that I know I’ll work hard to stick to and achieve.

So, with that being said, what are my goals this year?

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What I Read in 2020

I don’t think I’m alone in saying 2020 was a messed up year. But that’s too big a topic, to begin with, so let’s talk about how it affected my reading. For the last 2 years, I had set my reading goal at 50 books a year, comfortably hit about 40 by the beginning of December, then had a mad rush to complete the list by New Year’s Eve, which somehow I managed. However, to avoid that mad rush in 2020, I lowered my goal to 30. But then, due to lockdown, I achieved that by about June. So I reluctantly set the goal back up to 50… So here are all the books I read in 2020 (spoiler: it’s more than 50).

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Shop Independant - Christmas Gift Guide

YES I KNOW. It’s only November.

But I like to spread my shopping (and the cost) out as much as I can, and I’m not organised enough to start doing that in June like my sister. With a lot of independent businesses struggling due to lockdown, I thought I’d curate a list of my favourite independent shops for you!

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The Road Trip - Beth O’Leary

I was so so excited when this came through my door yesterday afternoon. I absolutely love Beth’s writing and I was so intrigued by the premise of this book. It came in this stunning custom wrapping paper I tried so hard not to rip.

The Road Trip follows an ex-couple, their friends and a stranger on a road trip up to Scotland for a wedding, and it explores the messy history they all have.

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The Top Five Things to Watch on Disney Plus

I’m an absolute sucker for a cosy film. A film you can have on and be reminded of your childhood when you didn’t have anything to worry about. A film that you don’t have to think too deeply about or a film that pulls you in so much that nothing else matters.

So, here’s what I watch on Disney Plus to boost my mood.

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