What I Read in September 2021

I only read two books in September, one at the very beginning of the month, and the second right at the end. I realise, however, that if I’m going to hit my goal of 52, I need to get back into the habit of reading daily! But here are the two books I read this month…

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BooksAlice Ashcroft
What I Read in August 2021

August has well and truly slipped away, I'm actually incredibly surprised about how much I read this month even though I say this every single month. August has gone incredibly quickly but I'm also incredibly proud of everything that achieved, not just what I've read, but how I’ve adapted to the situations that I put myself in, and I do think life will be better for it. Because of these changes, I've had maybe a little bit more time to read, so you will notice as you go through this list that I have definitely reread some favourites to get me back into the swing of things. But here we go, this is what I read in August.

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BooksAlice Ashcroft
What I Read in July 2021

Despite being quite unwell for July and it being one of the most chaotic months of my life, I'm incredibly surprised at how much I managed to read. But here they are, I actually loved every book I read this month, so they’re all here with links if you fancy picking one up yourself.

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Alice Ashcroft
What I Read in June 2021

I always seem to read more in the months where I’m busiest. Maybe it’s because I have to make the time for it. Maybe it’s because my brain is already in a state where it’s ready to take things in. Maybe it’s because I’m procrastinating, who can say really?

Anyway, without further ado, here is what I read in June…

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BooksAlice Ashcroft
The Comfort Book by Matt Haig

As you all probably know by now, I am a huge fan of Matt Haig’s writing. Whilst in his fiction, he builds fantastical worlds you can't help but dive into, his non-fiction books, to me, have always been so comforting. This, is no exception.

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BooksAlice Ashcroft
You and Me on Vacation by Emily Henry

I really enjoyed this book, it was light and easy with the classic romance you'd love to read by the pool somewhere sunny. The characters are well built, and the structure of the book allows you to really understand the decisions they make and why - excellent character development.

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BooksAlice Ashcroft
What I Read in April 2021

In April, I read very little. I’ve felt quite overwhelmed, not only by life, but by the ever increasing stack of books I have to read and the rate at which it is growing. I’m obviously very grateful to be in this position, but I think I do need to accept that I do not have time to read them all. That being said, here are the two books I did mange to read this month.

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